Monday, March 30, 2009

We're not in California Anymore

Earthquakes are not fun. Let us just put this out there. Earthquakes are scary and they have aftershocks. John is not afraid of them, but Catheryne is. We now have something that we are both scared of-Tornadoes. We had our first tornado warning of the season. It was very scary. We had strong wind and hail, then strong wind and rain. The TV was doing an awesome job of keeping us informed. We even had the warning sirens go off twice-this only adds to the scariness. Since we are upstairs, we really only have our bedroom closet to hid in. We did not have any touchdowns here, but Tennessee did have 2 touchdowns, one was about 20 miles or so from us. Luckily they were not major, just some destruction. Catheryne thinks she would rather have the earthquake over this. But hey we love it here, so I guess it is just something we will need to deal with.

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